Mahurangi District Council Formed.
Five people have confirmed their commitment to being interim Council Members, three women and two men with one man yet to confirm. Including myself that’s will be seven people on the Council.
This process is about creating the parallel governance for the district so that we can be ready to step into the role as a fully elected body with self determination, free from controls of a central government.
A series of portfolios has been prepared and is currently under review by the members. This document will become the vision for the future of the Mahurangi District. It will lay out what we intend to do or support and what we won’t be continuing. For example, on the support side are things like local businesses by the reduction in overbearing regulation and taxation. On the not supported side are things like Three Waters and Dome Valley landfill.
Once we have all reviewed the establishing document we will publish it on this website and introduce you to the people that have joined us on the Council.
We are also keen to hear from people who would like to contribute as the District Sheriff or Sheriff’s Deputies or Constables.
Also we would like to talk to any ex-military personnel living in the District.
Please contact me at
Interim Governor, Mahurangi District
Remember to Attest to the Mahurangi Declaration
Click on the button “Attest to the Mahurangi Declaration” and fill out the little form.
We need everyone to do this because YOU are our authority.